Sunday, October 31, 2010

Additional Assignment #3

Sir Ken Robinson presented a very good argument in his video. I think one of the most important points that he says in his presentation was about students learning and its connection to ADDH. In essence, we are drugging our children when they don’t learn the way we think they should learn. That was a very interesting point of view. I tend to agree with most of the points he made in his video but I disagree with the point of view that you can’t sell students in today’s world in order to have a great job; you must go to college and get a degree. Yes, it’s true that some students do not find a job after they obtain their degree. On the other hand, I think students who do not get the job they want after they graduate still have a better chance for economic mobility compared to the student who does not go to college at all.

To address some of the issues that Sir Ken Robinson’s video present, I think I will forward this video to all my peers and bring up the issues with every person that I come in contact with when the topic arises. Overall, I thought the presentation was very entertaining and very well made. If I had to create such a presentation, my role would be the Idea Generator. I’m not much of an artist but I’m always coming up with great ideas to support projects.

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